A book about art, love, the city and its residents Liefde in de Stad (Love in the City) is an art project that aims to promote love through art. In recent years different love-inducing art works have been on display in the public domain of Amsterdam. All of the works were temporary in nature: some were there for a couple of days, others for months on end, and one for several years. By presenting these works together for the first time, it becomes clear what Liefde in de Stad has been trying to achieve all these years. Besides photos of the actual art works the book also contains stories and quotes by (random) visitors that have fond memories of a particular work or experience. Their stories show the positive effect that the works of art have had. That’s what art and love does to the city and its residents. Liefde in de Stad is a project of Paradiso. Concept by Lisa Boersen and Jeldau Kwikkel Edited by Anneloes van Gaalen Book pictures by Rosalien Derkinderen